My Inspiration
Despite the rumors, as the Managing Principal of Third Eye Advisory, I didn’t just start TEA because I developed what appears to be a third-eye, precisely located in the center of my forehead during the same year I travelled the world to conduct 120 voice-of-customer and expert interviews to transform a $200M business unit (now $400M+).
I started TEA because in every capacity, whether as a coach, mentor, or advisor, I’m passionate about leveraging my creativity, vision, and expertise to help businesses and people forge paths to growth that are as differentiated as they are grounded in proven strategies. Likewise, I’ve had the privilege to work with market leaders and world-experts in Agriculture, Automotive, CASE, Paper, Personal Care, Plastics, Renewable Energy, and Semiconductor where I’ve been able to draw knowledge from my colleagues and retain relationships with a panel of key experts for Third Eye Advisory to pay it forward to our clients.

My Credentials

About Me
I’m a life-long learner, ex-NASA research scientist, culinary school attendee and food lover, master gardener, outdoor enthusiast, 80s movie-buff, and am always up for a friendly sports competition (tennis is my goto these days). I live by the quote ”live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever”.
I grew up as the first child in my family born in the United States, amidst a melting pot of other cultures in a blue-collar town outside Newark, NJ. From there, I learned about business as I watched my parents and relatives work two or three jobs each, mostly as entrepreneurs to make ends meet. I then took that work ethic and business savvy to work as I paid my own way through top-ranked undergrad and graduate programs while working my way through the B2B manufacturing industry. I pride myself in putting in the work, understanding all the details, yet having the vision and experience to understand what matters most.